更新時間:2024-04-14 09:42作者:小編
英文釋義:To welcome someone by taking off one's shoes as a sign of respect and courtesy. This behavior is often seen in Eastern culture as a form of hospitality.
二:怎么讀(音標):dào xǐ xiāng yíng(dào xǐ xiāng yíng)
1. 在東方文化中,倒屣相迎是一種常見的客人招待禮儀。
In Eastern culture, taking off one's shoes to welcome guests is a common form of hospitality.
2. 作為一個好管家,他總是能夠倒屣相迎地招待客人。
As a good , he always knows how to welcome guests by taking off his shoes.
3. 當我來到他家時,他已經倒屣相迎地站在門口了。
When I arrived at his house, he was already standing at the door, ready to welcome me by taking off his shoes.
4. 在日本,倒屣相迎被視為一種尊重客人的傳統(tǒng)禮儀。
In Japan, taking off one's shoes to welcome guests is seen as a traditional form of showing respect.
5. 作為一個外國人,我很感激他們倒屣相迎地招待我,讓我感受到了他們的熱情和友好。
As a foreigner, I am grateful for their hospitality and the gesture of taking off their shoes to welcome me, which made me feel their warmth and friendliness.