更新時間:2024-04-14 09:40作者:小編
1. 指同一事物的數量、程度或大小等是原來的幾倍。
例:這次考試比上次難度大了三倍。This exam is three times harder than the last one.
2. 指某種關系或作用重復出現的次數。
例:這件事情發(fā)生了兩三十倍。This incident has happened twenty or thirty times.
1. 這個小鎮(zhèn)的人口已經增加了十倍。
The population of this small town has increased tenfold.
2. 這個項目的成本比最初預計的高出了五倍。
The cost of this project is five times higher than originally estimated.
3. 他們學校圖書館的藏書量是我們學校的二十幾倍。
The number of books in their school library is twenty times more than our school's.
4. 我們公司去年的利潤增長了一百多倍。
Our company's profits have grown over a hundredfold last year.
5. 這種藥物劑量過大會導致副作用增加數十倍。
An overdose of this medication can increase the side effects by tens of times.
1. 倍數(bèi shù)- 指一個數與另一個數相差多少部分。常用于數學計算中。
例:這個數的倍數是多少?What is the multiple of this number?
2. 加倍(jiā bèi)- 指將數量增加一倍或多倍。
例:我會加倍努力,爭取取得更好的成績。I will double my efforts to achieve better results.
3. 翻倍(fān bèi)- 指數量增加兩倍或以上。
例:這個城市的人口在過去十年翻了三番。The population of this city has tripled in the past ten years.