更新時間:2024-04-13 12:58作者:小編
How to pronounce: [bù yào liǎn]
1. 他做了那么多壞事,還一點都不覺得羞恥,真是太不要臉了!
He did so many bad things and didn't feel any shame at all. He's really shameless!
2. 她為了得到那份工作,竟然向老板撒謊說自己有很多經(jīng)驗,真是太不要臉了!
She lied to the boss about having a lot of experience just to get that job. She's really shameless!
3. 這個政客為了爭取選票,竟然故意詆毀對手的名譽,太不要臉了!
This politician deliberately slandered his opponent's reputation just to win votes. He's really shameless!
4. 他明明知道錯了還一副無所謂的樣子,真是太不要臉了!
He clearly knows he's wrong but still acts like it doesn't matter. He's really shameless!
5. 這家公司為了利潤,不顧員工的生活質(zhì)量,太不要臉了!
This company is shameless for putting profits above the quality of life of its employees.
1. 無恥 (wú chǐ) - shameless, without any sense of shame
Example: 他做出這種卑鄙的行為,真是太無恥了!(He did such a despicable thing, he's really shameless!)
2. 不知廉恥 (bù zhī lián chǐ) - without any sense of shame or integrity
Example: 這些政客為了自己的利益不惜損害利益,真是太不知廉恥了!(These politicians are shamelessly sacrificing the country's interests for their own gain, they have no integrity!)
3. 自私 (zì sī) - selfish, self-centered
Example: 她總是只顧著自己的感受,根本不在乎別人,太自私了!(She only cares about her own feelings and doesn't care about others at all, she's so selfish!)
4. 虛偽 (xū wěi) - hypocritical, insincere
Example: 她表面上裝出一副善良的樣子,其實內(nèi)心非常虛偽。(She pretends to be kind on the surface, but she's actually very insincere.)