更新時間:2024-04-23 15:07作者:小編
連作連種 (lián zuò lián zhǒng)
How to pronounce: /li?n dzu? li?n d???/
1. 他們倆從小就是鄰居,所以一直都有著“連作連種”的關(guān)系。
They have been neighbors since childhood, so they have always had a "連作連種" relationship.
2. 這場雨下得太大了,導致路面積水嚴重,造成了交通擁堵,“連作連種”啊!
The rain was too heavy, causing severe waterlogging on the road and resulting in traffic jams. "Lian Zuolian Zhong"!
3. 氣候變暖導致海平面上升,這對海岸線上的生態(tài)產(chǎn)生了很大的影響,“連作連種”??!
Climate change has led to a rise in sea levels, which has had a significant impact on the ecosystems along the coast. "Lian Zuolian Zhong"!
4. 這個城市的發(fā)展帶動了周邊地區(qū)的經(jīng)濟繁榮,“連作連種”的效應讓整個地區(qū)都受益匪淺。
The development of this city has driven the economic prosperity of the surrounding areas, and the "連作連種" effect has benefited the entire region.
5. 一個人的積極心態(tài)會影響到他周圍的人,所以我們要保持良好的心態(tài),“連作連種”??!
A person's positive attitude can influence those around them, so we must maintain a good mindset. "Lian Zuolian Zhong"!
1. 相互影響 (xiāng hù yǐng xiǎng)
相互影響 is a synonym for 連作連種 and can be used interchangeably in most cases.
2. 相互關(guān)聯(lián) (xiāng hù guān lián)
相互關(guān)聯(lián) also has a similar meaning to 連作連種, but it emphasizes more on the interconnection and interdependence between things.
3. 一物降一物 (yī wù jiàng yī wù)
一物降一物 is an ancient Chinese saying that means "one thing leads to another". It also reflects the concept of 連作連種.