更新時(shí)間:2024-04-21 17:38作者:小編
繁花似錦(fán huā sì jǐn)是指花朵繁盛、色彩艷麗,形容景色美好、多姿多彩的意思。
繁花似錦 (fán huā sì jǐn) means that the flowers are abundant and colorful, describing a beautiful and diverse scenery.
繁花似錦的讀音為[fán huā sì jǐn],其中“fán”為第一聲,“huā”為第四聲,“sì”為第四聲,“jǐn”為第3聲。
The pronunciation of 繁花似錦 is [fán huā sì jǐn], with "fán" being the first tone, "huā" being the fourth tone, "sì" being the fourth tone, and "jǐn" being the third tone.
繁花似錦 is often used to describe the beautiful scenery in spring or summer, or to metaphorically describe things that are full of vitality. It is usually used as an adjective.
1. 春天到來,大街小巷都被繁花似錦的景色所包圍。
Spring has arrived, and the streets are surrounded by the beautiful scenery of blooming flowers.
2. 這幅畫的色彩鮮艷,猶如繁花似錦般絢麗多彩。
The colors of this painting are vibrant, like a colorful landscape of blooming flowers.
3. 那個(gè)公園里有一片繁花似錦的櫻花樹林,每年都吸引了許多游客前來觀賞。
There is a forest of cherry blossom trees in the park, which is filled with colorful and blooming flowers every year, attracting many tourists to come and admire.
4. 她的生活充滿了繁花似錦般的變化,從一個(gè)小職員成長為公司的總經(jīng)理。
Her life is full of changes, like a colorful landscape, from being a junior employee to becoming the CEO of the company.
5. 這部電影展現(xiàn)了一個(gè)充滿希望和活力的城市,真是繁花似錦般美麗。
This movie portrays a city full of hope and vitality, it's truly a beautiful and vibrant scenery.
1. 花團(tuán)錦簇(huā tuán jǐn cù):形容花朵密集、色彩艷麗,也可以用來比喻事物充滿生機(jī)和活力。
2. 花香四溢(huā xiāng sì yì):形容花朵散發(fā)出濃郁的香味。
3. 花開如海(huā kāi rú hǎi):形容花朵綿延不絕,猶如大海一樣廣闊。