更新時間:2024-04-18 03:54作者:小編
1. 扎作為動詞,主要有以下幾種含義:
a) 刺入或插入:用尖銳的東西刺入或插入物體。:他用針把布料扎在一起。He used a needle to stitch the fabric together.
b) 手藝精湛:指某人具備非常熟練的技能。:他的廚藝很好,每次做的菜都很扎實。He is a skilled cook and his dishes are always well-made.
c) 使受傷:指受到刀、等尖銳物品傷害。:他被扎了一刀,流了很多血。He was stabbed and lost a lot of blood.
2. 扎也可以作為名詞使用,表示“捆綁”的意思。
:請你幫我把這些書都扎好。Can you help me tie these books together?
3. 在南方方言中,“扎”還可以表示“打”的意思。
:他被父親扎了一頓。He was beaten by his father.
1. “扎”作為動詞,可以接受物,也可以接受賓語。:他用針把布料扎在一起。He used a needle to stitch the fabric together.
2. “扎”作為名詞,通常用來表示捆綁的動作。:請你幫我把這些書都扎好。Can you help me tie these books together?
1. 她的手藝很好,每次做的菜都很扎實。
Her skills are excellent, and her dishes are always well-made.
2. 他被釘子扎傷了手指。
He got his finger pricked by a nail.
3. 請你幫我把這些文件都扎起來。
Can you help me bind these documents together?
4. 他被父親扎了一頓。
He was beaten by his father.
5. 這個包裹沒有用繩子扎緊,里面的東西都掉出來了。
The package wasn't tied properly, and everything inside fell out.
1. 刺(cì):動詞,指用鋒利的物體戳入或刺入物體。:他用劍刺穿了敵人的胸膛。He pierced the enemy's chest with a sword.
2. 插(chā):動詞,指將物體放入其他物體中間。:她把花插在花瓶里。She put the flowers in a vase.