更新時間:2024-04-16 08:55作者:小編
?天造地設(tiān zào dì shè)意思是指自然界的景象和人類社會的建筑物都是由上天所創(chuàng)造,具有無比完美的結構和布局。這個詞語源自古代哲學思想,表達了對自然和人類社會的敬畏和贊美。
tiān zào dì shè([tj???n tsɑ?? t?? ???])
1. 這座宮殿的建筑結構簡直像是天造地設一樣,無可挑剔。(The structure of this palace is like a work of perfection, as if it was created by the heavens and the earth.)
2. 他們夫妻倆的愛情故事就像是天造地設般完美。(The love story of this couple is like a masterpiece, created by the heavens and the earth.)
3. 這幅畫作展現(xiàn)出了大自然的神奇之處,仿佛是天造地設的杰作。(This painting captures the wonders of nature, as if it was a masterpiece created by the heavens and the earth.)
4. 這座城市的規(guī)劃和建筑都非常精美,簡直像是天造地設一般。(The city's planning and architecture are both exquisite, as if they were created by the heavens and the earth.)
5. 我們應該感謝上天賜予我們如此美妙的自然景觀,它們都是天造地設的杰作。(We should be grateful for the wonderful natural landscapes that have been bestowed upon us by the heavens, as they are all masterpieces created by the heavens and the earth.)
1. 天衣無縫(tiān yī wú xián):形容事物完美無缺,沒有任何瑕疵。
2. 天衣無縫(tiān yī wú fèng):與“天衣無縫”意思相同,只是使用了繁體字。
3. 天成地設(tiān chéng dì shè):與“天造地設”意思相同,只是順序顛倒。
4. 天衣無縫的結合(tiān yī wú xián de jié hé):形容兩件事物或人完美結合在一起。
5. 天衣無縫的配合(tiān yī wú xián de pèi hé):形容兩個人或團隊合作默契,沒有任何矛盾。