更新時間:2024-04-16 08:53作者:小編
?天誅地滅(tiān zhū dì miè)是一個成語,指的是神靈對于人類的懲罰或毀滅。這個成語源自古代的傳說故事,常用來形容極其嚴厲的懲罰或毀滅。
tiān zhū dì miè (/tj?n ??u di mjei/)
1. 這場暴風雨把整個村子都夷為平地,簡直是天誅地滅。
The storm destroyed the whole village, it was like a punishment from the heavens.
2. 在古代,皇帝有權(quán)利下令讓某人天誅地滅。
In ancient China, the emperor had the power to order someone to be executed and their family to be wiped out.
3. 這場瘟疫肆虐了整個城市,許多人都被天誅地滅。
The plague swept through the entire city, many people were wiped out by it.
4. 他犯下了罪行,最終被法律天誅地滅。
He committed a crime and was ultimately punished by the law.
5. 這部電影講述了一位為了保護家鄉(xiāng),最終天誅地滅的故事。
This movie tells the story of a hero who sacrificed himself to protect his hometown and was ultimately destroyed.