更新時間:2024-04-16 04:22作者:小編
夕 is a Chinese word, usually used as a noun, but can also be used as an adjective. It means "evening, dusk, sunset". In ancient times, 夕 could also refer to a period of time after dark. In modern Chinese, 夕 is often paired with "朝" to indicate the boundary between day and night.
夕的拼音為xī,音標為 /'?i/。
1. 夕作為名詞時,通常表示傍晚、黃昏或日落的時間段。
2. 夕也可以作為形容詞使用,表示“屬于傍晚或黃昏的”。
3. 在古代文學中,夕也經(jīng)常被用來指代天黑后的一段時間。
4. 夕和“朝”相對應,在現(xiàn)代漢語中常用來表示白天和黑夜的分界線。
1. 傍晚時分,我喜歡坐在窗前看著夕陽慢慢落下。
In the evening, I like to sit by the window and watch the sunset slowly go down.
2. 夕陽的余暉映照在湖面上,美得令人心醉。
The afterglow of the setting sun reflected on the lake, making it incredibly beautiful.
3. 天色漸漸暗了下來,夕影籠罩著整個村莊。
As the sky gradually darkened, the shadows of dusk enveloped the entire village.
4. 在古代,夕是指天黑后的一段時間,人們會點起燈籠來照明。
In ancient times, 夕 referred to a period of time after dark when people would light lanterns for illumination.
5. 夕和朝相對應,是白天和黑夜的分界線。
夕 is paired with 朝 to indicate the boundary between day and night.
1. 黃昏:指日落后到完全黑暗前的一段時間。可以作為名詞或形容詞使用。例句:黃昏時分,我喜歡散步在街頭。
2. 傍晚:指太陽下山后到晚上9點左右的一段時間。通常作為名詞使用。例句:傍晚時分,我會和家人一起吃晚飯。
3. 日落:指太陽從地平線消失的過程??梢宰鳛槊~或動詞使用。例句:我們站在海邊,看著日落的美景。
4. 夕照:指夕陽的光芒。可以作為名詞或動詞使用。例句:夕照映照著整個山谷,美得令人驚嘆。