更新時間:2024-04-15 00:35作者:小編
前途的讀音為/qián tú/,其中“qián”讀作第一聲,即平聲,“tú”讀作第四聲,即去聲。
1. 作為名詞時,指一個人或事物未來發(fā)展的方向和可能性。
- His future is full of promise. (他的前途充滿希望。)
- The company's future looks bright. (公司的前途看起來很光明。)
2. 作為形容詞時,指與未來相關(guān)的。
- They are discussing the company's future plans. (他們正在討論公司未來的計劃。)
- We need to think about our future generations. (我們需要考慮我們子孫后代的未來。)
1. He has a bright future ahead of him.
2. The country's economic future is uncertain.
3. She is determined to succeed in her chosen career path, no matter what obstacles lie in her future.
4. The company's future success depends on its ability to adapt to changing market conditions.
5. The children are the future of our society.
1. 前程:指一個人或事物將來可能發(fā)展的情況,含有一定的預(yù)測性。
- He is a young man with a promising future ahead of him. (他是一個前途光明的年輕人。)
- The company's bright future is attracting many investors. (公司光明的前程吸引了許多投資者。)
2. 前途未卜:表示不確定的未來發(fā)展情況,含有一定的負面意味。
- With the current economic situation, the company's future is uncertain and unpredictable. (在當前經(jīng)濟形勢下,公司前途未卜,難以預(yù)測。)
- She is worried about her son's future, as he has not yet decided on a career path. (她擔心兒子的前途,因為他還沒有決定自己要從事什么職業(yè)。)