更新時間:2024-03-17 13:26作者:小編
castiel [k?sti?l]
1. Castiel is the angel who rescued Dean from Hell in the TV show "Supernatural". (在電視劇《超自然》中,Castiel是拯救Dean免于地獄之苦的天使。)
2. The name Castiel has gained popularity among fans of the show. (Castiel這個名字在該劇的粉絲中變得流行起來。)
3. In Greek mythology, Castiel is known as the archangel who watches over humans. (在希臘神話中,Castiel被稱為守護人類的大天使。)
4. The character of Castiel is often portrayed as a stoic and serious figure. (Castiel這個角色經(jīng)常被描繪成一個冷靜認真的人物。)
5. The parents named their son Castiel as they wanted him to have a strong and protective name. (這對父母給他們的兒子取名為Castiel,因為他們希望他有一個強大而保護性的名字。)
1. Archangel - 大天使
2. Seraphim - 火焰天使
3. Angelic - 天使般的
4. Heavenly - 天堂般的
5. Divine - 神圣的