更新時間:2024-03-17 07:25作者:小編
borax [?b??r?ks]
1. Borax is commonly used as a cleaning agent for laundry and household surfaces. (硼酸鈉通常被用作衣物和家居表面的清潔劑。)
2. The use of borax as a food additive is banned in some countries due to health concerns. (由于健康問題,有些使用硼酸鈉作為食品添加劑。)
3. Borax can also be used as a flux in metallurgy, helping to remove impurities from metals during the smelting process. (在冶金學(xué)中,硼酸鈉也可以作為助熔劑,在冶煉過程中幫助去除金屬中的雜質(zhì)。)
4. Some people use borax as a natural alternative to chemical pesticides in gardening. (一些人在園藝中使用硼酸鈉作為天然替代品來防治害蟲。)
5. The ancient Egyptians used borax in the mummification process to preserve and disinfect the bodies of the deceased. (古埃及人在木乃伊制作過程中使用硼酸鈉來保存和消毒死者的身體。)
1. Sodium tetraborate: another name for borax, commonly used in scientific contexts.
2. Disodium tetraborate: another name for borax, often used in industrial processes.
3. Boric acid: a related compound to borax, also used as a cleaning agent and insecticide.
4. Boron: the element that makes up a large portion of borax, often used in alloys and other compounds.