更新時間:2024-03-16 18:45作者:小編
1. beak作為名詞時,常用于描述鳥類的嘴部,:“The bird has a long sharp beak.”(這只鳥有一只長而鋒利的喙。)它也可以指船首或者飛機前部的尖端。
2. beak也可作為動詞使用,意思是“啄食”,通常用于形容鳥類或者其他動物用嘴啄食。:“The bird was beaking at the seeds on the ground.”(這只鳥正在地上啄食種子。)
1. The bird's beak is used for catching and eating insects.(這只鳥用它的喙來捕捉和吃昆蟲。)
2. The ship's beak cut through the waves as it sailed towards the shore.(船首尖端劃破波浪,向著海岸航行。)
3. The eagle's beak was sharp and powerful, perfect for tearing apart its prey.(鷹的喙又鋒利又有力,非常適合撕裂獵物。)
4. The captain stood at the beak of the ship, looking out at the vast ocean ahead.(船長站在船頭,眺望前方廣闊的海洋。)
5. The bird carefully beaked at the fruit, trying to extract the seeds inside.(這只鳥小心地啄食水果,試圖取出里面的種子。)
1. bill:也是指鳥類的嘴部,可以與beak互換使用。
2. snout:主要用于描述動物的嘴部或者鼻子,通常指長而尖的部分。
3. mouth:一般指人類的嘴巴,但也可以用于形容動物的嘴巴。
4. nib:特指小型鳥類或者嚙齒動物的小嘴巴。