更新時間:2024-04-22 19:37作者:小編
?行不貳過(háng bù èr guò)是一個成語,意為不再犯同樣的錯誤,不再重復犯錯。這個成語源自于《論語·子罕篇》中的一句話:“君子之過也,如日月之食焉。過也者,上達而已矣?!币馑际钦f君子犯錯就像日月被云遮擋一樣,只是暫時的,不會重復出現。
háng bù èr guò([háng] [bù] [èr] [guò])
1. 他很懂得行不貳過,在工作中從來都是一次就把事情做好。
He knows how to avoid making the same mistake twice, and always completes his work perfectly on the first try.
2. 這個團隊非常注重行不貳過的原則,每次做項目都會總結經驗教訓,避免再犯同樣的錯誤。
This team pays great attention to the principle of not repeating mistakes, and always reflects on their experience and lessons learned from previous projects to avoid making the same mistakes again.
3. 作為一名領導者,你必須要有行不貳過的,勇于承認自己的錯誤并及時改正。
As a leader, you must have the spirit of not repeating mistakes, be brave enough to admit your own mistakes and make timely corrections.
4. 這個公司因為一再犯同樣的錯誤而陷入了困境,他們缺乏行不貳過的態(tài)度。
This company has fallen into a predicament due to repeatedly making the same mistake, they lack the attitude of not repeating mistakes.
5. 行不貳過是一個人成長和進步的關鍵,只有能夠吸取教訓并避免重復犯錯,才能不斷提升自己。
Not repeating mistakes is the key to personal growth and progress. Only by learning from our mistakes and avoiding repeating them can we continuously improve ourselves.
1. 不犯同樣的錯誤:指在做事情時避免重復犯錯,具有謙虛、學習能力強、善于改正錯誤等品質。
2. 吸取教訓:指從失敗或者錯誤中學習經驗教訓,并在以后避免重復犯錯。
3. 反思反省:指對自己的行為和做事方式進行深入的思考和檢討,以便改進自己。