更新時間:2024-04-20 03:13作者:小編
?涕泗滂沱(英文:tears streaming down one's face)是指眼淚大量涌出,如同雨水滂沱一般。這個詞語通常用來形容人因為悲傷或者感動而流淚的情景。
涕泗滂沱的讀音為 [tì sì páng tuó],其中“tì”讀作第一聲,“sì”讀作第四聲,“páng”讀作第二聲,“tuó”讀作第二聲。
1. 她聽到兒子考上大學的消息后,不禁涕泗滂沱。
She couldn't help but burst into tears upon hearing the news of her son's acceptance into college.
2. 在葬禮上,親友們看著逝者的遺體,都不禁涕泗滂沱。
At the funeral, friends and family looked at the body of the deceased and tears streamed down their faces.
3. 這部電影講述了一個感人至深的故事,讓很多觀眾都流下了涕泗滂沱。
This movie tells a touching story that brought tears streaming down the faces of many audience members.
4. 她的感動演講讓觀眾們心中涕泗滂沱。
Her moving speech brought tears streaming down the hearts of the audience.
5. 當他聽到老友去世的消息時,他的眼淚涕泗滂沱。
When he heard the news of his old friend's passing, tears streamed down his face.
1. 涕泗橫流(英文:tears flowing horizontally):形容眼淚大量流出,如同橫流一般。與涕泗滂沱意思相同,但語氣更加強烈。
2. 淚如雨下(英文:tears like rain):比喻眼淚像雨水一樣不停地流下來。與涕泗滂沱意思相近,但使用場景略有不同。
3. 眼淚嘩啦啦(英文:tears gushing):形容眼淚大量涌出,如同水流一般。與涕泗滂沱意思相似,但語氣更加生動。
4. 泣不成聲(英文:sobbing uncontrollably):指因為悲傷或感動而無法地哭出聲音。與涕泗滂沱意思相反,但可以用來形容同樣的情景。