更新時間:2024-04-19 17:05作者:小編
英文釋義:A feeling of intense fear, unease or shivers down one's spine. It describes a profound sense of fear that makes one feel as if their entire body is enveloped in a cold chill, causing physical reactions.
[máo gǔ sǒng rán]
1. The horror movie was so scary that it left me feeling thoroughly spooked and my hair standing on end. (這部恐怖電影太可怕了,讓我感到毛骨悚然,全身都起了雞皮疙瘩。)
2. The old abandoned house gave her a creepy feeling and she couldn't shake off the shivers down her spine. (那座破舊的廢棄房屋讓她感到毛骨悚然,她無法擺脫背后的寒意。)
3. The sudden loud noise in the dark forest made him feel a chill run down his spine and he couldn't help but feel a sense of dread. (黑暗的森林里突然傳來的巨大噪音讓他感到一陣寒意,他不禁感到一種恐懼。)
4. The g story was so terrifying that it left everyone in the room feeling spooked and on edge. (那個鬼故事太可怕了,讓房間里的每個人都感到毛骨悚然,心神不寧。)
5. The eerie silence in the abandoned asylum was enough to make anyone feel creeped out and uneasy. (廢棄的病院里詭異的寂靜足以讓任何人感到毛骨悚然和不安。)
1. 驚恐(terrified):形容極度害怕或驚嚇。
2. 恐怖(horrible):形容令人感到恐懼或震驚。
3. 不安(uneasy):形容心神不寧或焦慮。
4. 寒意(chill):形容身體感到冰冷或寒氣。
5. 驚悚(chilling):形容令人毛骨悚然的恐怖感。