更新時間:2024-04-17 19:52作者:小編
怎么讀:jīng jù (音標:/d??? d?u?/)
例句1:當她看到蜘蛛爬過她的手臂時,她感到驚懼不已。(She felt a sense of terror when she saw the spider crawling over her arm.)
例句2:他們被敵人的突然襲擊所驚懼,立即開始撤退。(They were filled with fear at the sudden attack from the enemy and immediately began to retreat.)
例句3:孩子們聽到門外傳來可怕的聲音,都感到非常驚懼。(The children were all filled with terror when they heard the frightening noises coming from outside the door.)
例句4:我深深地知道這種恐慌和無助感,因為我曾經(jīng)歷過類似的驚懼。(I know all too well the panic and helplessness that comes with experiencing this kind of terror, having gone through something similar myself.)
例句5:她試圖掩飾自己的驚懼,但是顫抖的聲音和汗水卻暴露了她內(nèi)心的恐懼。(She tried to hide her terror, but her trembling voice and sweat gave away her inner fear.)