更新時(shí)間:2024-04-17 19:23作者:小編
Pessimistic means having a negative and cynical attitude towards things, believing that everything is bad or may result in a negative outcome. This mindset is often accompanied by worry and a sense of helplessness towards the future, leading to feelings of depression and disappointment.
Pessimistic can be used to describe a person or a mood. It can be used as an adjective or a noun. As an adjective, it usually modifies a person or an idea, indicating a negative attitude; as a noun, it refers to someone who holds this attitude.
1. She has always been pessimistic about her chances of success.
2. The pessimistic outlook of the stock market caused many investors to sell their stocks.
3. He is a pessimistic person who always sees the worst in every situation.
4. Despite their pessimistic predictions, the team managed to win the game.
5. The constant barrage of bad news has made him even more pessimistic about the state of the world.
1. Negative (adj.): having a downbeat or cynical attitude towards things
例句:She always has a negative outlook on life.
2. Cynical (adj.): believing that people are motivated purely by self-interest
例句:He has a cynical view of human nature.
3. Gloomy (adj.): feeling or showing sadness, especially due to lack of hope or success
例句:The weather was gloomy and it matched his mood perfectly.
4. Despondent (adj.): feeling extremely low in spirits and discouraged
例句:After failing the exam, she became despondent and lost all motivation to study.
5. Melancholic (adj.): feeling or expressing sadness or depression
例句:His melancholic personality often brings down the mood of those around him.