更新時(shí)間:2024-04-15 04:56作者:小編
?單程票是指乘客購買的只能在一次旅行中使用的車票,通常用于單程或往返的旅行。它與往返票(round-trip ticket)相對,后者可以在同一條線路上來回使用。單程票也可以指在某一段時(shí)間內(nèi)只能使用一次的車票。
單程票:dān chéng piào
1. 我們計(jì)劃明天上午乘坐火車去北京,所以我今天要先去火車站買張單程票。
We plan to take the train to Beijing tomorrow morning, so I need to go to the train station today to buy a one-way ticket.
2. 單程票價(jià)格比往返票便宜,但如果你需要多次往返,則建議購買往返票。
One-way tickets are cheaper than round-trip tickets, but if you need to travel back and forth multiple times, it is recommended to buy a round-trip ticket.
3. 由于航班延誤,我錯(cuò)過了原定的回程航班,只好另外購買了一張單程票。
Due to flight delay, I missed my original return flight and had to buy another one-way ticket.
4. 我們的旅行計(jì)劃是從上海出發(fā),經(jīng)過前往,然后再從返回上海。所以我們需要購買一張上海到的單程票和一張到上海的往返票。
Our travel plan is to depart from Shanghai, sover in Hong Kong and then go to Taipei, and finally return to Shanghai from Taipei. So we need to buy a one-way ticket from Shanghai to Hong Kong and a round-trip ticket from Taipei to Shanghai.
5. 我們公司為了節(jié)省成本,決定改為使用單程票而不是往返票來安排員工出差。
In order to save costs, our company has decided to use one-way tickets instead of round-trip tickets for arranging business trips for employees.
1. 單程車票(one-way ticket):與單程票意思相同,指在一次旅行中只能使用一次的車票。
2. 單趟車票(single trip ticket):與單程票意思相同,指在一次旅行中只能使用一次的車票。
3. 未用完車票(unused ticket):指在某段時(shí)間內(nèi)未被使用過的車票。
4. 無效車票(invalid ticket):指已經(jīng)過期或者被取消的車票。