更新時間:2024-04-15 00:44作者:小編
英文釋義:To hide a valuable thing inside, metaphorically refers to the hidden truth or secret deep inside.
pōu fù cáng zhū (pǒu fù cáng zhū)
1. 她總是善于剖腹藏珠,從不輕易將自己的想法透露給別人。(She is always good at hiding her thoughts, never easily revealing her own ideas to others.)
2. 這本小說里面有許多剖腹藏珠的情節(jié),讀者需要仔細品味才能其中的。(There are many hidden plots in this novel, readers need to carefully savor to discover the truth.)
3. 這位家擅長利用剖腹藏珠的手段來掩蓋自己的錯誤。(This politician is good at using the method of hiding the truth to cover up his mistakes.)
4. 記者們不斷追問,但他仍然剖腹藏珠,不肯透露任何關(guān)于這次的內(nèi)幕。(The reporters kept asking, but he still hid the truth and refused to reveal any insider information about the event.)
5. 她的個性內(nèi)向,總是剖腹藏珠,讓人難以了解她的真實想法。(Her introverted personality always hides her true thoughts, making it difficult for people to understand her.)
1. 深藏不露(shēn cáng bù lù):指隱藏得很深,不輕易暴露。
2. 藏龍臥虎(cáng lóng wò hǔ):比喻隱藏著許多才華或潛力非凡的人才。
3. 包藏禍心(bāo cáng huò xīn):指心懷不軌,暗藏惡意。
4. 隱秘(yǐn mì):指隱藏得很好,不為外界所知。
5. 掩蓋(yǎn gài):指故意遮掩或隱瞞。