更新時間:2024-04-14 17:17作者:小編
Domestic demand refers to the demand for goods and services from domestic consumers, and the economic growth and development that this demand brings. It refers to consumer spending in the domestic market, including personal consumption, government consumption, and business investment.
[ d??m?st?k d??m?nd ]
Domestic demand is commonly used in the field of economics, especially in international trade. It can be used to measure the strength and stability of a country's economic development. Governments can promote domestic demand to drive economic growth, for example by increasing people's income, reducing taxes or implementing supportive measures to encourage consumers to purchase more goods and services.
1. The government is trying to boost domestic demand by increasing consumer spending.
2. Domestic demand for luxury goods has been on the rise in recent years.
3. The country's economic growth is heavily reliant on domestic demand.
4. The government has implemented policies to stimulate domestic demand and promote economic development.
5. Domestic demand for imported goods has decreased due to the recent trade restrictions.
Some synonyms for domestic demand include domestic consumption, domestic market demand, and domestic consumer spending. In some cases, it can also be contrasted with external demand, which refers to the demand for a country's goods and services from consumers in other countries.