更新時間:2024-04-13 11:35作者:小編
?不堪(bù kān):指情況、境遇或事物的糟糕、可憐,無法忍受或令人難以容忍。
1. 她的生活條件太差了,簡直不堪入目。
Her living conditions are so poor that they are beyond description.
2. 這部電影太恐怖了,我簡直不堪回首。
This movie is too scary, I can't even bear to look back on it.
3. 那個小孩生活在一個不堪想象的貧窮環(huán)境中。
The child lives in an unimaginable poverty-stricken environment.
4. 這個城市的空氣污染已經(jīng)到了不堪忍受的地步。
The air pollution in this city has reached an unbearable level.
5. 他遭受了巨大的打擊,無法再忍受這樣的痛苦,只能選擇不堪一擊地離開。
He suffered a huge blow and couldn't bear the pain anymore, so he could only choose to leave with a final blow.
1. 糟糕(zāo gāo):指情況或事物的不好,程度輕于“不堪”。
The environment in this place is terrible, we don't want to stay here anymore.
2. 可憐(kě lián):指情況或事物令人同情、可悲,程度輕于“不堪”。
That child's family is very poor, we should help him.
3. 難以忍受(nán yǐ rěn shòu):指某種行為或情況令人無法忍受,程度輕于“不堪”。
This scorching weather is really unbearable.