更新時間:2024-03-28 02:18作者:小編
英文:Rebound means to bounce back, bounce back or rebound.
1. 作為動詞,rebound可用于表示物體向后彈回或者反彈。
2. 作為名詞,rebound可用于表示球類運動中球的反彈或者籃板球。
1. The ball rebounded off the wall and hit him in the face.
2. After a period of decline, the stock market rebounded and reached a new high.
3. He tried to rebound from his failure by starting a new business.
4. The team's strong defense allowed them to rebound quickly and score points.
5. She was still recovering from her last relationship when she met him, but he helped her rebound and find love again.
1. bounce back:反彈、恢復
2. recover:恢復、痊愈
3. ricochet:跳彈、折返
4. spring back:彈回、反彈
5. backlash:反沖、反彈