更新時間:2024-03-20 01:23作者:小編
?- employees是指在某個組織或公司中受雇的人員。這些人員通常會為該組織或公司提供勞動力,并且根據(jù)其職位和工作內容而獲得相應的報酬。(employees refer to the individuals who are employed by an organization or company. These individuals typically provide labor for the organization or company and receive compensation based on their position and job responsibilities.)
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- employees通常作為一個名詞使用,可以用來指代某個組織或公司中的所有員工,也可以指代某個特定職位上的員工。它也可以作為動詞使用,表示雇傭某人。(Employees is commonly used as a noun to refer to all the workers in an organization or company, or to a specific worker in a particular position. It can also be used as a verb, meaning to hire someone.)
1. The company has over 500 employees working in different departments.
2. The employees are entitled to certain benefits, such as health insurance and paid time off.
3. The new manager is responsible for hiring new employees and conducting performance evaluations.
4. The employees went on strike to demand better working conditions and higher wages.
5. The company offers training and development programs for its employees to enhance their skills and knowledge.
- staff:指某個組織或中的所有員工,也可以指某個特定職位上的員工。
- workers:泛指從事某項工作的人,可以指任何類型的工作者。
- personnel:指在某個組織或中受雇的所有人員,包括管理人員和非管理人員。
- team members:指在同一個團隊同合作的成員。