更新時間:2024-03-19 16:23作者:小編
Drawing is the act of outlining shapes, patterns or images on paper or other surfaces using tools such as pencils, pens, or markers. It can be a form of art or used for technical drafting and design. In the art world, drawing is often considered a fundamental skill that helps artists better understand and depict the shapes, structures and proportions of objects.
Drawing can be used as a noun or a verb. As a noun, it refers to the act or product of drawing; as a verb, it refers to the act of creating a drawing.
1. She loves to spend her free time drawing beautiful landscapes. (她喜歡把空閑時間花在繪制美麗的風景上。)
2. The artist used charcoal to create a stunning drawing of a woman's portrait. (藝術家用木炭創(chuàng)作了一幅令人驚嘆的女性肖像畫。)
3. The architect presented his building design through detailed drawings. (建筑師通過詳細的圖紙展示了他的建筑設計。)
4. He has a natural talent for drawing, and his sketches are always impressive. (他有天生的繪畫天賦,他的素描總是令人印象深刻。)
5. The children were happily drawing with crayons on the sidewalk. (孩子們在人行道上開心地用蠟筆畫畫。)
1. Sketching:指草圖或速寫,通常是為了捕捉靈感或構思而進行。
2. Illustrating:指為書籍、雜志、廣告等提供插圖。
3. Drafting:指制定詳細的計劃或設計,通常用于技術領域。
4. Doodling:指隨意涂鴉或涂鴉,通常是出于無聊或放松的目的。