更新時間:2024-03-18 12:56作者:小編
英文釋義:Corollary is a noun that refers to a natural consequence, inevitable inference, or conclusion drawn from known facts. It can represent a theoretical supplement or a logical necessity. In mathematics and logic, corollary is often used to indicate a conclusion derived from a theorem or proposition.
1. Corollary通常用作名詞,表示一個自然而然的結(jié)果或者由已知事實推出的結(jié)論。
2. 在數(shù)學和邏輯學中,corollary常用來表示從某一定理或命題推出的結(jié)論。
3. 除了作為名詞使用外,corollary也可以作為形容詞使用,表示補充性質(zhì)或者必然性質(zhì)。
1. The corollary of global warming is the melting of polar ice caps and rising sea levels.
2. As a corollary to the main argument, the author also discusses the impact of technology on society.
3. The corollary of success is often hard work and determination.
4. As a corollary to their new policy, the company saw an increase in profits.
5. The corollary of freedom is responsibility.
1. Consequence:指某一或行為所產(chǎn)生的后果,與corollary類似,但更強調(diào)因果關(guān)系。
例句:The consequence of his actions was severe punishment.
2. Inference:指從已知事實推出的結(jié)論,與corollary有相似之處。
例句:Based on the evidence, the detective made an inference about who committed the crime.
3. Deduction:指從一般原理推出特殊結(jié)論,與corollary類似。
例句:Her deduction was that he must have been lying.