更新時間:2024-03-22 16:27作者:小編
wáng yáng bǔ láo
1. 他總是不重視工作細節(jié),等到出了問題才開始亡羊補牢。
He always neglects the details of his work and only starts to remedy the situation when problems arise.
2. 做事要謹慎,不要等到亡羊補牢時才后悔。
Be careful in your actions, don't wait until it's too late to regret and try to fix it.
3. 老板公司的利潤大幅下滑后開始亡羊補牢,但已經(jīng)來不及了。
The boss started to make amends after realizing the company's profits had plummeted, but it was already too late.
4. 記得備份文件,以免出了問題再亡羊補牢。
Remember to backup your files so you don't have to make up for it when something goes wrong.
5. 在做決定之前,要先考慮后果,不要等到亡羊補牢時才后悔。
Before making a decision, think about the consequences first, don't wait until it's too late to regret and try to fix it.
1. 亡羊補牢:指事情發(fā)生后才想到彌補錯誤或遺憾。
2. 后悔莫及:指事情已經(jīng)發(fā)生,無法挽回的遺憾。
3. 遲來的悔恨:指在事情發(fā)生后才感到后悔和愧疚。