更新時間:2024-03-15 20:56作者:小編
appointment的音標為 /??p??ntm?nt/。
1. 作為名詞,appointment通常用于表示安排好的正式或約會,也可以指被任命或委派的職位。:
- I have an appointment with my doctor tomorrow morning.
- The president made an appointment to meet with the foreign minister.
- She was offered an appointment as the company's new CEO.
2. 作為動詞,appointment通常用于表示指定某人擔任某職務或任務,也可以指定某人到某個地方去。:
- The board of directors appointed him as the new chairman.
- The teacher appointed her students to clean up the classroom.
1. I have an appointment with my dentist this afternoon.
2. The company's board of directors will hold an emergency meeting by appointment only.
3. The president has appointed a new ambassador to China.
4. Could you please make an appointment with the sales manager for me?
5. The doctor's appointments are fully booked for the next two weeks.
1. arrangement:安排、約定,通常指為了達成某種目的而事先安排好的事情。
2. engagement:聚會、約會,特指正式或重要的或活動。
3. schedule:日程安排、時間表,指按照計劃安排好的一系列活動。
4. meeting:、見面,通常指為了討論某個特定問題而聚集在一起的人。
5. commitment:承諾、委托,特指對某件事情負有責任或義務。