
6月22日大陸地區(qū)GRE考試真題回顧 最新gre考試真題及答案

更新時間:2024-06-06 20:15作者:小樂



常見問題1Q: 為什么我們的閱讀填空題都是原題,而數(shù)學卻是回憶版?

A: 我們的填空和閱讀技能都是基于目前市場上可用的技能。這些技巧首先是學生在考試前自己做的,然后在考試中遇到原題,所以印象深刻,可以立即回憶起來。



FAQ 2Q: 為什么我在實際考試中遇到的問題比原來的問題多?

A: 當日參加GRE考試時,每個學生的題目都會有所不同。甚至一位候選人的同桌提出的問題也可能完全不同。



數(shù)學部分數(shù)學1100-200(含) 是3的倍數(shù)的奇數(shù)的個數(shù)

數(shù)學2 小于100的素數(shù),除以5余數(shù)為2,除以7余數(shù)為6,除以8余數(shù)是多少?


數(shù)學4 有一個梯形。上、下底邊的長度分別為3和9。兩條斜邊的長度分別為4和6。然后畫一條與上下底平行的線段,將梯形分成上下周長相等的兩個梯形。求下面梯形的斜邊之和

數(shù)學5 530 四舍五入到十位后最大的偶數(shù)是多少?

數(shù)學63^283 除以5 余數(shù)是多少?


填空題32-6那些認為克拉克的老式順從是諂媚的人(i)_____ 他: 他表面上的(ii)_____ 掩蓋了他人對他行使的強烈權威(iii)_____,他偶爾會謹慎地表達這種權威破壞他們最重要的項目。










G. 崇拜



填空題34-5 先驅醫(yī)學研究科學家關于(ii)_____ 新研究的(i)_____ 主張讓公眾懷疑他們自己的醫(yī)生并沒有創(chuàng)造奇跡??茖W家們面臨著多種外部和內部的力量,最需要他們(iii)_____。沒有錢,就沒有科學。研究人員必須不斷地說服控制稅收的管理者、投資者和個人捐助者,他們所做的工作將會產(chǎn)生影響。






D. 嚴重制約

E. 過度的解釋

F. 潛在的好處












A. 天真






填空88-1 許多拉丁美洲作家和評論家一提到“魔幻現(xiàn)實主義”小說類型就感到憤怒,但對普通讀者來說,此類小說的吸引力是_____。







A. 脆弱的





填空120-5蓋勒斯敦促阿比蓋爾·亞當斯信件的讀者考慮一下他們的(i)_____: 在亞當斯時代,婦女被剝奪了與其丈夫分開的公眾形象。也就是說,蓋勒斯隨后(ii)_____ 將亞當斯從私人信件作家提升為公眾人物,認為她是變革的重要力量。








F. 失敗

填空79-5 為了獲得資助和終身職位,醫(yī)學研究人員必須在知名期刊上發(fā)表他們的研究成果,而拒絕率可能會攀升至90% 以上。毫不奇怪,那些傾向于取得成績的研究是那些提出(i) _____ 主張的研究。但是,雖然提出這樣的(ii)_____ 主張相對容易,但獲得數(shù)據(jù)來證實這些主張卻是另一回事。經(jīng)過嚴格研究,這些主張中的絕大多數(shù)(iii)_____。










G. 產(chǎn)生矛盾的證據(jù)

H. 需要廣泛分析

I. 支持傳統(tǒng)信仰


閱讀- 文本Passag 15 大衛(wèi)·貝拉斯科1912 年在百老匯制作的《州長夫人》以Childs 自助餐廳為背景,引起了轟動。Childs 是一家連鎖餐廳,是食品標準化的創(chuàng)新者,也是現(xiàn)代日常生活的象征。雖然貝拉斯科對立即可識別的場景的細致再現(xiàn)給公眾留下了深刻的印象,但它卻受到了擁護馬克斯·萊因哈特等歐洲藝術家新舞臺藝術理論的進步戲劇評論家的嘲笑。新舞臺藝術拒絕戲劇的字面主義;它從現(xiàn)代畫家的主觀性和極簡主義中汲取靈感,提倡用簡化的布景來表達戲劇性文本的中心思想。這些評論家認為貝拉斯科是一位僅僅捕捉表面現(xiàn)實的工匠:一位真正的藝術家消除了無關緊要的部分,創(chuàng)造出更有意義、更具表現(xiàn)力的舞臺圖像。

1. 這篇文章的作者對貝拉斯科制作的《總督夫人》暗示了以下哪一項


B. 其目的是整合新舞臺藝術的元素,以滿足貝拉斯科對現(xiàn)實舞臺的偏好。


D. 它引起的反應反映了大眾娛樂品味與進步戲劇評論家品味之間的差異。


2. 可以推斷,戲劇評論家最有可能同意以下關于戲劇作品的哪種說法


B. 忠實再現(xiàn)日常生活視覺細節(jié)的戲劇作品不太可能公正地體現(xiàn)一部好戲劇的中心思想。

C. 采用現(xiàn)代繪畫的極簡主義特征的戲劇作品可能比依賴戲劇文字主義的作品更能吸引現(xiàn)代觀眾。

D. 旨在表現(xiàn)現(xiàn)代生活真相的戲劇作品不應試圖采用新舞臺藝術的元素。

E. 由于劇院固有的局限性,試圖制作真實的日常生活場景的戲劇作品很可能會失敗。

閱讀- 文本段落35 建筑形態(tài)學研究不斷變化的文化和環(huán)境條件如何產(chǎn)生建筑形式的變化。當應用于新墨西哥州的傳教教堂時,建筑形態(tài)揭示了美洲原住民文化如何改變西班牙傳教士的傳統(tǒng)歐洲教堂建筑,這些教堂代表了現(xiàn)在美國西南部的十七世紀和十八世紀西班牙殖民建筑。讓美洲原住民皈依基督教。


例如,傳教教堂與土著基瓦(kiva)有某些共同的空間特征,基瓦是一個圓形的、部分地下的房間,許多西南美洲原住民社區(qū)用它來舉行重要的儀式。就像它打算取代的kiva 一樣,典型的教會教堂也有厚厚的土坯墻(曬干的泥土和稻草)、破爛的泥土地板和一兩扇小窗戶。根據(jù)歐洲習俗,這些教堂的天花板高于傳統(tǒng)基瓦教堂的天花板。然而,由于少數(shù)小窗戶提供的照明有限,這些教堂仍然暗示著基瓦特有的低矮、盒子狀、緊貼地面的內部結構。因此,盡管正如早期研究表明的那樣,建筑的實用因素可能促成了宣教教堂的形狀,但提供符合土著傳統(tǒng)的神圣空間也可能是其設計中的一個重要考慮因素。


style missionary communities have been explained by some historians as examples of “superposition”. Under this theory, Christian domination over indigenous faiths is dramatized by surrounding the kiva with Christian buildings. However, as James Ivey points out, such superposition was unlikely, since historical records indicate that most Spanish missionaries, arriving in the Southwest with little or no military support, wisely adopted a somewhat conciliatory attitude toward the use of the kiva at least initially. This fact, and the careful, solitary placement of the kiva in the center of the mission-complex courtyards, suggests an intention to highlight the importance of the kiva rather than to diminish it. 1. The primary purpose of the passage is to A. correct some misinterpretations about the development of an architectural form B. compare the traditional church architectures of two different cultures C. examine the influence of a religious architectural style on secular buildings D. explain the nature of the contrast between two different architectural styles E. trace the European roots of an architectural style used in the United Stales 2. The passage suggests that the indicated historians regarded the placement of kivas in the midst of Christian buildings as which of the following A. exemplary of an arrangement of religious buildings typical of a kind of Native American architecture common prior to the arrival of the Spanish B. largely responsible for the evolution of a distinctive Spanish mission architectural style C. indicative of the Spanish missionaries’ desire to display an attitude of acceptance toward the kiva D. symbolic of the controversy among Spanish missionaries in New Mexico regarding their treatment of the indigenous population E. reflective of the Spanish missionary’s desire to diminish the kiva s importance 3. Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen the argument about the Spanish missionaries’ attitude toward the kiva A. The period of most intensive settlement by Spanish missionaries in the Southwest occurred before the period in which the mission churches of New Mexico were built. B. There are no traces of kivas in Spanish mission settlements that were protected by a large military presence. C. Little of the secular Spanish colonial architecture of the Southwest of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries is predominantly European in style. D. Some Spanish missionary communities of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries were attached to Spanish military installations. E. New Mexico contains by far the largest concentration of Spanish mission-style church architecture in the United States. 4. According to the passage, the building techniques prevailing in the Southwest during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries played a role in which of the following A. preventing missionaries in the Southwest from duplicating traditional European churches B. influencing missionaries in the Southwest to incorporate a freestanding kiva into certain mission settlements C. causing missionaries in the Southwest to limit the building of churches to New Mexico only D. jeopardizing the viability of Spanish religious settlements throughout the Southwest E. encouraging many missionaries in the Southwest to reexamine the continued viability of a highly ceremonial European religious tradition 閱讀-正文 Passage 48When studying shrimp feeding from hydro-thermal vents at the bottom of the ocean, biologists were surprised that the shrimps’ reproductive cycles followed seasonal patterns. Far beyond the reach of sunlight, and with food abundant around the vents all year round, why should such animals reproduce seasonally The answer might involve their offspring, which in their larval form drift in the currents to colonize new vents. The larvae must feed during their trip, and their springtime release coincides with a peak in algae raining down from surface waters. So far, researchers have found no evidence of seasonal breeding among vent-dwelling species that provide their offspring with yolk to sustain them or among vent-dwelling species found in areas of the ocean with not seasonal algae blooms. 1. Which of the following best describes the function of the highlighted sentence A. It casts doubt on the accuracy of earlier observations of seasonal breeding among shrimp species living near hydro-thermal vents. B. It undermines the explanation proposed for seasonal breeding among some shrimp species living near hydro-thermal vents. C. It suggests that alternative theories are needed to explain seasonal breeding among shrimp species living near hydro-thermal vents. D. It describes the survival benefits to shrimp of mating in parts of the ocean where algae blooms rain down abundantly. E. It supports the explanation proffered for the seasonal breeding observed among some shrimp species living near hydro-thermal vents. 閱讀-正文 Passage 71The Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, ratified in 1868, prohibits state governments from denying citizens the “equal protection of the laws.” Although precisely what the framers of the amendment meant by this equal protection clause remains unclear, all interpreters agree that the framers’ immediate objective was to provide a constitutional warrant for the Civil Rights Act of 1866, which guaranteed the citizenship of all persons born in the United States and subject to United States jurisdiction. This declaration, which was echoed in the text of the Fourteenth Amendment, was designed primarily to counter the Supreme Court’s ruling in Dred Scott v. Sandford that Black people in the United States could be denied citizenship. The act was vetoed by President Andrew Johnson, who argued that the Thirteenth Amendment, which abolished slavery, did not provide Congress with the authority to extend citizenship and equal protection to the freed slaves. Although Congress promptly overrode Johnson’s veto, supporters of the act sought to ensure its constitutional foundations with the passage of the Fourteenth Amendment. The broad language of the amendment strongly suggests that its framers were proposing to write into the Constitution not a laundry list of specific civil rights but a principle of equal citizenship that forbids organized society from treating any inpidual as a member of an inferior class. Yet for the first eight decades of the amendment’s existence, the Supreme Court’s interpretation of the amendment betrayed this ideal of equality. In the Civil Rights Cases of 1883, for example, the Court invented the “state action” limitation, which asserts that “private” decisions by owners of public accommodations and other commercial business to segregate their facilities are insulated from the reach of the Fourteenth Amendment’s guarantee of equal protection under the law. After the Second World War, a judicial climate more hospitable to equal protection claims culminated in the Supreme Court’s ruling in Brown v. Board of Education that racially segregated schools violated the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. Two doctrines embraced by the Supreme Court during this period extended the amendment’s reach. First, the Court required especially strict scrutiny of legislation that employed a “suspect classification,” meaning discrimination against a group on grounds that could be construed as racial. This doctrine has broadened the application of the Fourteenth Amendment to other, nonracial forms of discrimination, for while some justices have refused to find any legislative classification other than race to be constitutionally disfavored, most have been receptive to arguments that at least some nonracial discriminations, sexual discrimination in particular, are “suspect” and deserve this heightened scrutiny by the courts. Second, the Court relaxed the state action limitation on the Fourteenth Amendment, bringing new forms of private conduct within the amendment’ s reach. 1. Which of the following best describes the main idea of the passage A. By presenting a list of specific rights, framers of the Fourteenth Amendment were attempting to provide a constitutional basis for broad judicial protection of the principle of equal citizenship B. Only after the Supreme Court adopted the suspect classification approach to reviewing potentially discrimination legislation was the applicability of the Fourteenth Amendment extended to include sexual discrimination C. Not until after the Second World War did the Supreme Court begin to interpret the Fourteenth Amendment in a manner consistent with the principle of equal citizenship that it express. D. Interpreters of the Fourteenth Amendment have yet to reach consensus with regard to what its framers meant by the equal protection clause E. Although the reluctance of judges to extend the reach of the Fourteenth Amendment to nonracial discrimination has betrayed the principle of equal citizenship, the Supreme Court’s use of the state action limitation to insulate private activity from the amendment’s reach has been more harmful. 2. The passage suggests that the principle effect of the state action limitation was to A. allow some discriminatory practices to continue unimpeded by the Fourteenth Amendment B. influence the Supreme Court’s ruling in Brown v. Board of Education C. provide expanded guidelines describing prohibited actions D. prohibit states from enacting laws that violated the intent of the Civil Rights Act of 1866 E. shift to state government the responsibility for enforcement of laws prohibiting discriminatory practices 3. The author’s position regarding the intent of the framers of the Fourteenth Amendment would be most seriously undermined if which of the following were true A. The framers had anticipated state action limitations as they are described in the passage. B. The framers had merely sought to prevent discriminatory acts by federal officials. C. The framers were concerned that the civil rights act of 1866 would be overturned by the Supreme Court. D. The framers were aware that the phrase “equal protection of the laws”had broad implications. E. The framers believed that racial as well as non-racial forms of discrimination were unacceptable. 4. According to the passage, the original proponents of the Fourteenth Amendment were primarily concerned with A. detailing the rights afforded by the principle of equal citizenship B. providing support in the Constitution for equal protection for all citizens of the United States C. closing a loophole that could be used to deny inpiduals the right to sue for enforcement of their civil rights D. asserting that the civil rights protect by the Constitution included nonracial discrimination as well as racial discrimination E. granting state government broader discretion in interpreting the Civil Rights Act in 1866 5. The author implies that the Fourteenth Amendment might not have been enacted if A. congress’ authority with regard to legislating civil rights had not been challenged B. the framers has anticipated the Supreme Courts ruling in Brown v. Board of Education C. the framers had believed that it would be used in deciding cases of discrimination involving non-racial groups D. most state governments had been willing to protect citizens’ civil rights E. its essential elements had not been implicit in the Thirteenth Amendment 6. According to the passage, which of the following most accurately indicates the sequence of the events listed below Ⅰ. civil rights act of 1866 Ⅱ. Dred Scott v. Sandford Ⅲ. Fourteenth Amendment Ⅳ. Veto by President Johnson A. Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ B. Ⅰ Ⅳ Ⅱ Ⅲ C. Ⅰ Ⅳ Ⅲ Ⅱ D. Ⅱ Ⅰ Ⅳ Ⅲ E. Ⅲ Ⅱ Ⅰ Ⅳ 7. Which of the following can be inferred about the second of the two doctrines (highlighted sentence) of the passage A. It caused some justice to rule that all types of discrimination are prohibited by the Constitution. B. It shifted the focus of the Supreme Court from racial to nonracial discrimination. C. It narrowed the concern of the Supreme Court to legislation that employed a suspect classification. D. It caused legislators who were writing new legislation to reject language that could be construed as permitting racial discrimination. E. It made it more difficult for commercial business to practice racial discrimination. 閱讀-正文 Passage 142Many theorists now doubt that heat loss from Earth’s core and radioactive decay are sufficient by themselves to produce all the energy driving the tectonic plates whose movements have helped shaped Earth’s surface. This leaves a loose end in current geological theory. Herbert Shaw argues that because scientists have underestimated the input of substantial amounts of energy from extraterrestrial impactors (asteroids and comets striking Earth), they have difficulty accounting for the difference between the quantity of energy produced from sources intrinsic to Earth and that involved in plate tectonics. Whereas most geologists have treated the addition of energy through the bombardment of Earth’s surface by such impactors as a process separate and independent from the movement of Earth’s tectonic plates, Shaw asserts that these processes are inpisible. Shaw’s revolutionary “open-system” view recognizes a continuum between terrestrial and extraterrestrial dynamics, whereas modern plate tectonic theory, like the classical geology developed during the nineteenth century, is founded on the view that Earth’s geological features have changed through gradual, regular processes intrinsic to Earth, without reference to unique catastrophic events. Classical geology borrowed a decisive, if unspoken, premise from Newton—the independence of Earth’s processes from any astronomical context. 1. The author’s primary purpose is to A. identify the influences informing a particular geological theory about the processes that have shaped Earth’s surface B. identify differences between two views of the extraterrestrial impactors and argue that the phenomenon has influenced the development of plate tectonic theory C. argue that an explanation is based on a dubious evidence and propose an alternative explanation D. discuss an explanation and place that explanation under theoretical context E. suggest that apparent discrepancy poses a serious problem for a particular theory that many have believed 2. The author of the passage mentions the “continuum” in order to A. point out a relationship between plate tectonics and the nineteenth-century geology B. explain how a theory of Newton’s could influence geology and plate tectonic theory. C. distinguish between two sources of energy that contributed to the development of Earth’s surface. D. point out a similarity between the surface of impactors and the surface of Earth. E. identify a feature of Shaw’s view that deviates from current scientific theories. 3. The passage suggests which of the following about tectonic theory A. It has led scientists to overlook an important contribution to classical geologists from Newton. B. It has been more successful than was classical geology in accounting for heat loss from Earth’s core. C. It is based on premise about Earth’s processes discerned in Newton’s thought. D. It has correctly explained the effects of extraterrestrial impactors on Earth’s surface. E. It corrects a fundamental flaw in classical geology. 閱讀-正文 Passage 160The Great Sphinx is a huge statue in Egypt that has a lion’s body with a man’s head. The face of the Sphinx has long been claimed to be that of pharaoh Khafre, who lived around 2600 B.C., but it cannot be: erosion patterns recently discovered on the lion’s legs can only have been caused by heavy rains, and the Sahara has not had heavy rains in over 10,000 years. 1. Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument A. The face of the Sphinx bears a resemblance to the faces on certain stylized statues dating from both before and after the reign of Khafre. B. Other erosion patterns that appear on the body of the Sphinx are of a sort that could be caused by wind and sand alone C. Other than the Sphinx, there are no surviving sculptures that have been claimed to portray the face of Khafre. D. In the last 10,000 years the climate of Egypt has been so dry that even rains that are not heavy have been extremely infrequent. E. The face of the Sphinx is small relative to the rest of the head, indicating that the face may have been recarved long after the Sphinx was built. 閱讀-正文 Passage 193In 1995, after an absence of nearly 70 years, wolves were reintroduced into Yellowstone National Park. During the wolf-free era, heavy browsing of aspen trees by elk populations spelled doom not only for trees themselves but for a host of other creatures dependent on them, such as beavers, whose population in Yellowstone crashed after wolves were removed. Without beavers to create ponds, wetland ecosystems--aquatic plants, amphibians, birds--were devastated. When wolves returned, grazers and browsers resumed normal patterns of behaviors, preferring safer, open areas over the dense cover and streamsides where carnivores can lurk. Keeping elk wary and on the move, wolves gave aspen and other young trees the opportunity to grow and become reestablished. 1. The passage asserts which of the following about beaver populations in Yellowstone A. They have rebounded since the reintroduction of wolves. B. They were adversely affected by the feeding habits of elk population. C. They increased during the period when wolves disappeared from the park. D. They have historically had an adverse effect on the park s wetland ecosystems. E. They are essential to the health of the park s aspen trees. 2. The author would most likely agree with which of the following claims about the reintroduction of wolves to Yellowstone A. It indirectly harmed some of the park s amphibian habitats B. It reduced the number of elk feeding along streamsides C. It led to greater species persity among the park s grazers and browsers. D. It significantly increased competition for food among the park s carnivores. E. It fostered the resurgence of tree species that once flourished in the park s open areas. 閱讀-正文 Passage 231When on an airplane, Consuelo never enjoys movies that have been widely recommended because the poor quality of the picture spoils her enjoyment. Since in no circumstances does she ever enjoy movies that have been widely derided, it follows that she never enjoys movies on airplanes. 1. Which of the following, if true, would enable the conclusion of the argument to be properly drawn A. The only place where Consuelo enjoys widely recommended movies is a movie theater. B. Widely recommended movies are never shown on airplane. C. If a movie shown on an airplane is not widely derided, then it is invariable widely recommended. D. If the picture quality of the movies shown on airplanes was better, Consuelo would enjoy the widely recommended movies. E. Some movies are neither widely recommended nor widely derided. 寫作部分Issue題庫題號 75/93 Argument題庫題號 34/7 獲取GRE寫作題庫評論區(qū)留言哦~ 關注真經(jīng)GRE和張巍老師GRE,免費獲取最新干貨和機經(jīng)~




2024-06-06 20:15



2024-06-06 20:14



2024-06-06 20:14



2024-06-06 20:13

一篇文章帶你了解GRE寫作Argument的最佳打開方式 gre argument官方范文

作者:劉淼 北美留學考試資訊同學們都知道我們的GRE寫作部分有兩項考察形式:Issue與Argument。Issue更側重于構建自己的論證,而Argument則是需要考生對已有的論證進行評價,看其是否合乎邏輯。雖然兩部分看起來是獨立的,但實

2024-06-06 20:13


Samuel Johnson曾經(jīng)說過:人生的最大樂趣莫過于克服困難,堅定腳步,親眼目睹自己將目標一一實現(xiàn)。青春轉瞬即逝,只有努力才能改變命運。讓我們一起點燃GRE奮斗火焰,自律自愈自燃。想去美國讀研的同學們,希望以下的分享能對大家所有幫助,

2024-06-06 20:12
