更新時間:2024-04-19 22:08作者:小編
英: 美:
1、" I don't imagine for one moment that Sun - fu will agree to that.───和翁,我擔保蓀甫一定不贊成你這提議!
2、One moment , please. I will connect you.───請稍等, 我給您接.
3、Her steadfast belief never left her for one moment.───她堅定的信仰從未動搖過.
4、For one moment he had relaxed and fancies had burrowed through like mice or hobgoblins.───他一時放松了警惕,幻想便象老鼠或者妖精似的乘虛而入.
5、He stood for one moment, his hands rigid at his sides.───他站了一會兒, 雙手直僵僵地垂在身邊.
6、He says one thing one moment and another thing the next.───他一會兒這么說,一會兒那么說.
7、Stop for one moment and think about it!───稍停片刻,想一想!
8、He is unpredictable, weeping one moment, laughing the next.───他喜怒無常,一會兒哭,一會兒笑。
9、One moment it was quiet and calm in the forest, the next, the air was charged with tension.───有一陣森林里還靜謐、平和,過會兒空氣就充滿了緊張的氣氛。
10、One moment please , ie Please wait a short time.───請稍候.
11、One moment, please. I'll see if I can connect you again.───請等一會兒, 看我能不能再給你接通.
12、At one moment Mary was absolutely indifferent to the observation of all the world.───有時候瑪麗對外界的輿論全然無動于衷.
13、Thank you, Mr Blanchard . One moment, please.───謝謝您, Blanchard先生, 請稍候.
14、One moment of inattention when driving could be fatal.───開車時稍一疏忽就可能出人命.
15、One moment's false security can bring a century of calamities.───圖一時之茍安,貽百年之大患.
16、He was affable at one moment, choleric the next.───他一會兒還和藹可親,可一轉眼就火冒三丈。
17、One moment he wasn't there, the next he was.───他一分鐘前還不在那里,一會兒又在了。
18、It is one moment when artists are judged instead of all being lumped together in a merry carnival.───這是一個藝術家被評判,而不是所有人聚集狂歡的時刻。
1、the moment───立刻,馬上;一…就
2、final moment───最后一刻
3、rare moment───難得的時刻
4、brief moment───片刻(**名,BriefMoment);片刻(歌曲名,BriefMoment);短暫的一刻
5、dipole moment───偶極矩
6、bowel movement───排便
7、aha moment───n.頓悟時刻
8、key moment───關鍵時刻;生死關頭
9、of the moment───此刻
成語: 一刻千金
拼音: yī kè qiān jīn
解釋: 一刻時光,價值千金。形容時間非常寶貴。
出處: 宋·蘇軾《春夜》詩:“春宵一刻值千金,花有清香月有陰?!?/p>
舉例造句: 他連鼻煙也不嗅了,看一看鐘,六點還差十多分,他不能延誤一刻千金的光陰。(茅盾《子夜》十)
拼音代碼: ykqj
近義詞: 分秒必爭
反義詞: 度日如年
燈謎: 最珍貴的時光
用法: 作謂語、賓語、定語;指時間寶貴
英文: one moment is worth a thousand pieces of gold