更新時(shí)間:2024-04-24 07:54作者:小編
英文釋義:A metaphorical term used to describe the phenomenon of a large amount of water vapor or heat rising from the ground to high altitudes, forming clouds or fog. It can also refer to a majestic and overwhelming scene.
霧涌云蒸的讀音為 wù yǒng yún zhēng,其中“wù”讀作[wù],“yǒng”讀作[yǒng],“yún”讀作[yún],“zhēng”讀作[zhēng]。
1. 雨后,整個(gè)山谷被霧涌云蒸的景象所籠罩。
After the rain, the whole valley was shrouded in the scene of mist and clouds.
2. 在大霧籠罩的山區(qū),霧涌云蒸的景色讓人心曠神怡。
In the fog-covered mountains, the scene of mist and clouds is refreshing.
3. 霧涌云蒸的氣勢(shì)讓人感受到大自然的力量。
The majesty of mist and clouds makes people feel the power of nature.
4. 晨起,遠(yuǎn)眺,只見山巒間霧涌云蒸,如夢(mèng)如幻。
In the morning, looking into the distance, only to see mist and clouds among the mountains, like a dream.
5. 這幅畫作巧妙地捕捉了霧涌云蒸的壯觀景象。
This painting cleverly captures the spectacular scene of mist and clouds.
1. 云霧繚繞:形容天空或山谷中出現(xiàn)大量的云層或霧氣,也可以指氣勢(shì)磅礴、壯觀的景象。
2. 風(fēng)起云涌:形容局勢(shì)、氣勢(shì)等迅速變化,也可以指氣勢(shì)磅礴、壯觀。
3. 朵朵白云:形容天空中飄浮著一朵朵白色的云,也可以指美好的景象。