更新時間:2024-04-23 03:23作者:小編
?請出示證件。的意思是要求出示身份證明或者其他相關證件,以證明自己的身份或者資格。英文為"Please present your identification"。
請出示證件。的音標為[pri?z ??d?nt?f??ke???n]。
1. 請出示證件,否則您將無法辦理入住手續(xù)。
Please present your identification, otherwise you will not be able to check in.
2. 在進入機場安檢區(qū)域前,請出示證件以便核實身份。
Please present your identification before entering the airport security area for identity verification.
3. 銀行要求客戶在辦理業(yè)務時必須出示有效的身份證件。
The bank requires customers to present valid identification when conducting transactions.
4. 在海關處,您必須隨時準備好出示或其他相關證件。
At customs, you must be ready to present your passport or other relevant documents at all times.
5. 出國旅行前,請務必確認您攜帶了所有需要的有效證件。
Before traveling abroad, please make sure you have all the necessary valid documents with you.
1. 提供證件:provide identification
2. 出具證件:issue identification
3. 出示身份證明:show proof of identity
4. 驗證身份:verify identity
5. 要求出示證明:request proof of identification