更新時間:2024-04-23 02:46作者:小編
?詳細(xiáng xì)是一個漢語詞語,意思是指具體、周密、精確的程度或內容。它可以用來形容事物的描述、分析或處理的程度,也可以指具體的細節(jié)和內容。
詳細(detailed)is a Chinese word that means specific, meticulous, and precise degree or content. It can be used to describe the degree of description, analysis or treatment of things, as well as specific details and content.
xiáng xì [xiáng xì]
“Detailed” is usually used as an adjective, placed before a noun, indicating the degree of specificity, meticulousness and accuracy of things. It can also be used as an adverb, placed after a verb, indicating the seriousness and carefulness when doing things.
1. 請給我提供一份詳細的報告。
Please provide me with a detailed report.
2. 他對每個問題都作了詳細的解釋。
He gave a detailed explanation for every question.
3. 在這份合同中,我們已經列出了所有的條款和詳細說明。
In this contract, we have listed all terms and detailed explanations.
4. 我需要你給我提供更多的詳細信息。
I need you to provide me with more detailed information.
5. 請仔細閱讀說明書中的每一個詳細步驟。
Please read every detailed step in the instruction manual carefully.
1. 具體 (jù tǐ): 指具體的、明確的,與“詳細”一樣可以用來形容事物的程度或內容。
2. 周密 (zhōu mì): 指仔細、周到,強調做事情時考慮周全、不留疏漏。
3. 精確 (jīng què): 指準確無誤、嚴謹,強調事物描述或處理的精準程度。
4. 詳盡 (xiáng jìn): 指具體、詳細,強調內容充分、不遺漏。
5. 細致 (xì zhì): 指做事情時認真仔細,強調對細節(jié)的重視。