更新時間:2024-04-22 17:41作者:小編
Snake refers to a type of reptile that usually has a long and limbless body, and moves by slithering. They belong to the class Reptilia and are mostly found in temperate and tropical regions around the world. In different cultures, snakes also have different symbolic meanings, some consider them sacred creatures while others see them as evil and dangerous.
As a noun, snake can refer to an actual snake or all types of snakes in general. As an adjective, it can describe someone or something that has snake-like features or behavior.
1. The snake slithered through the grass silently.(蛇無聲地在草叢中滑動。)
2. He was so afraid of snakes that he couldn't even look at a picture of one.(他對蛇非常害怕,甚至連看一張蛇的照片都不敢。)
3. The ancient Egyptians worshipped the cobra, a type of venomous snake, as a symbol of royalty and protection.(古埃及人崇拜眼鏡蛇,一種有毒的蛇類,將其視為王權和保護的象征。)
4. She has a snake-like charm that can mesmerize anyone she meets.(她有著像蛇一樣的魅力,能讓她遇見的任何人都為之迷倒。)
5. The snake shed its skin as it grew larger.(隨著身體變大,蛇換下了它的舊皮。)
1. Serpent:指任何長而細長、沒有四肢的爬行動物,和snake意思相同。
2. Reptile:指爬行綱動物中除了鳥類以外的所有動物,包括蛇、龜、鱷魚等。
3. Viper:指毒蛇科下的某些種類,也可以泛指任何具有毒性或危險性的動物。
4. Cobra:指眼鏡蛇科下的某些種類,也可以指這一科下所有的蛇類動物。
5. Python:指大型無毒蛇類動物,和boa意思相同。