更新時間:2024-04-22 03:52作者:小編
fū qiǎn
1. 他的觀點太膚淺了,完全沒有站在別人的角度思考問題。
His views are too superficial, he didn't think about the problem from others' perspective at all.
2. 這本書只是膚淺地介紹了這個歷史,沒有深入探討其背后的原因。
This book only superficially introduces the historical event, without delving into the underlying reasons.
3. 她是一個很有才華的作家,但她的小說卻顯得有些膚淺。
She is a talented writer, but her novels seem a bit shallow.
4. 他只看了一遍這篇文章就發(fā)表了自己的看法,顯然是太膚淺了。
He only read this article once and gave his opinion, which is obviously too shallow.
5. 這部電影雖然表面上很有意義,但實際上卻很膚淺。
Although this movie seems meaningful on the surface, it is actually quite shallow.
1. 淺薄:指缺乏深度、不夠深刻。
2. 膚淺:語氣略帶貶義,指知識或見識缺乏深度。
3. 膚淺:語氣略帶貶義,指思想或見解不夠成熟、缺乏深度。
4. 表面:指表層、外表,常用來形容對事物的認識或了解不夠深入。
5. 膚泛:語氣稍強于“膚淺”,指對事物的認識或見解非常膚淺。