更新時間:2024-04-21 11:19作者:小編
Pillar refers to a vertical column-shaped object used to support the roof or other important structures in a building, and can also refer to similar structures in other objects. In architecture, pillars are usually made of materials such as stone, wood, and steel, and have the functions of bearing weight and aesthetics.
1. The ancient Greek temple was supported by a row of majestic pillars.
2. The pillars of society, such as education and economy, play important roles in shaping a country's development.
3. The old house collapsed because its wooden pillars were decayed.
4. The bridge was built with strong steel pillars to withstand the weight of heavy vehicles.
5. The company's success is built upon the pillars of innovation and teamwork.
1. Column: 同樣指垂直的柱狀物,但通常更多指報紙或雜志中的專欄,也可以用來比喻事物中的主要部分。
例句:She writes a weekly column for the local newspaper.
2. Post: 也指垂直的柱狀物,但通常更多指門框、電線桿等具體的物體。
例句:The sign was nailed to a post by the side of the road.
3. Support: 作為動詞時,可以表示“支持”、“支撐”,作為名詞時,可以表示“支撐物”、“支柱”。
例句:The shelf is supported by two metal brackets.