更新時間:2024-04-21 03:40作者:小編
Eye-teeth syndrome is a rare genetic disorder, also known as "tooth-eye syndrome" or "tooth-eye-finger syndrome". It primarily affects the development of the eyes, teeth, and fingers, leading to abnormalities in these organs. This condition is usually caused by genetic mutations and may affect multiple family members.
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Eye-teeth syndrome is commonly used to describe a rare genetic disorder, or refer to individuals who have this condition. In the medical field, this term is often used for diagnosis and treatment of related symptoms.
1. She was diagnosed with eye-teeth syndrome at the age of five.
2. The main symptoms of eye-teeth syndrome include vision problems, abnormal teeth, and finger deformities.
3. Children with eye-teeth syndrome may require special dental care and regular eye check-ups.
4. The genetic mutation responsible for eye-teeth syndrome has not yet been identified.
5. There is currently no cure for eye-teeth syndrome, but treatment can help manage the symptoms.
1. Oculodentodigital dysplasia - another name for eye-teeth syndrome, used in medical literature.
2. Syndactyly - a condition where two or more fingers or toes are fused together, which can be seen in some cases of eye-teeth syndrome.
3. Craniofacial abnormalities - facial abnormalities that may be present in individuals with eye-teeth syndrome.