更新時(shí)間:2024-04-20 11:48作者:小編
煲(bāo)is a Chinese word, commonly used as a verb or noun, mainly referring to the act or utensil of cooking food in a pot, jar or other container.
The pronunciation of 煲 is bāo, with the first tone.
1. 動(dòng)詞:指用鍋、罐等容器加熱或烹飪食物。
2. 名詞:指具有加熱或保溫功能的容器,常見于家庭廚房和餐廳。
1. As a verb: to cook or heat food in a pot, jar or other container.
2. As a noun: a container with heating or insulation function, commonly seen in home kitchens and restaurants.
1. 媽媽正在燉一鍋排骨煲湯。
Mom is stewing a pot of pork rib soup.
2. 我最喜歡吃奶奶做的紅豆粥,她總是用大鐵鍋來煲。
I love the red bean porridge made by my grandmother, she always uses a large iron pot to cook it.
3. 這道菜需要用小火煲上兩個(gè)小時(shí)才能入味。
This dish needs to be simmered for two hours on low heat to bring out the flavor.
4. 他在家里收集了各種各樣的煲,有陶瓷的、鐵的、不銹鋼的。
He collects all kinds of pots at home, including ceramic, iron and stainless steel ones.
5. 餐廳里的魚頭煲是招牌菜,每天都會賣光。
The fish head pot is the signature dish in the restaurant and sells out every day.
1. 燉(dùn):指用文火慢燒食物,與煲相似,但通常不使用容器。
2. 烹飪(pēng rèn):泛指做飯或準(zhǔn)備食物的過程,包括煮、炒、蒸等方法。
3. 炒(chǎo):指在鍋中快速加熱食物,并不斷攪拌使其均勻受熱。
1. 燉 (dùn): to slowly cook food over low heat, similar to 煲, but usually without using a container.
2. 烹飪 (pēng rèn): a general term for cooking or preparing food, including methods such as boiling, stir-frying and steaming.
3. 炒 (chǎo): to quickly heat food in a wok and constantly stir to evenly cook it.