更新時間:2024-04-20 08:29作者:小編
?燈紅酒綠(dēng hóng jiǔ lǜ)是一個漢語成語,指的是夜晚繁華喧鬧的景象,也可以用來形容酒吧、夜總會等場所充滿歡樂和喧囂的氛圍。這個成語通常用來形容夜生活的熱鬧與繁華,也可以表示人們對于享樂和放松的追求。
1. 夜幕降臨,城市變得燈紅酒綠,充滿了歡聲笑語。
As night falls, the city becomes lively and bustling, filled with laughter and joy.
2. 這家酒吧每天晚上都燈紅酒綠,是年輕人聚集的時尚場所。
This bar is always bustling and lively at night, a trendy place for young people to gather.
3. 她喜歡在燈紅酒綠的地方放松身心,忘卻一天的勞累。
She likes to relax in the lively and bustling places, forgetting the tiredness of the day.
4. 夏日夜晚,海邊的度假村燈紅酒綠,吸引了許多游客前來度假。
On summer nights, the seaside resort is bustling and lively, attracting many tourists to come for vacation.
5. 這座城市的夜生活燈紅酒綠,各種娛樂場所都充滿了人們的歡聲笑語。
The city's nightlife is bustling and lively, with various entertainment venues filled with people's laughter and joy.