更新時間:2024-04-19 03:01作者:小編
Money makes the mare go is a popular idiom, which means that the power of money can make everything possible. Whether it is to achieve one's dreams or solve difficulties, as long as one has enough wealth, goals can be easily achieved. This phrase also implies people's pursuit and worship of money, believing that money can solve all problems.
/m?ni me?ks e? mer ɡo/
The phrase "money makes the mare go" is usually used to describe someone who has enough wealth to achieve their desires or solve problems. It can also be used to express admiration and pursuit of money power. This phrase can also serve as a warning, reminding people not to be overly obsessed with money.
1. 有錢能使鬼推磨,他花了大量的金錢才得以實現(xiàn)自己的夢想。
Money makes the mare go, he spent a lot of money to achieve his dreams.
2. 這個世界上有些事情是靠實力無法解決的,只有有錢才能使鬼推磨。
There are some things in this world that cannot be solved by strength alone, only money can make the mare go.
3. 她從小就對金錢非常迷戀,總是相信有錢能使鬼推磨。
She has been fascinated with money since she was young and always believes that money makes the mare go.
4. 他是一個很成功的商人,因為他知道有錢能使鬼推磨。
He is a very successful businessman because he knows that money makes the mare go.
5. 不要被金錢蒙蔽了雙眼,記住有些事情并不是靠有錢就能解決的。
Don't let money blind your eyes, remember that some things cannot be solved just by having money.
1. 金錢萬能(Money talks):指金錢的力量可以說話,能夠影響人們的決定。
2. 有錢任性(Money talks):指擁有足夠的財富可以任意支配和決定事情的走向。
3. 金錢至上(Money is king):指金錢在社會中擁有最高地位和最大影響力。
4. 財大氣粗(Roll in money):指擁有巨額財富,生活富裕無憂。
5. 鈔票如糞土(Money is like dirt):指對于擁有大量財富的人來說,金錢變得不值一提。