更新時間:2024-04-18 15:52作者:小編
?救亡圖存是一個成語,意思是指為了挽救或民族的危亡而奮力拼搏、努力保全。它的英文翻譯為"fight to save the nation"。
jiù wáng tú cún (jíu wáng tú cún)
1. 他們不顧個人安危,義無反顧地投身到救亡圖存的斗爭中。(They disregarded their personal safety and threw themselves into the fight to save the nation.)
2. 在這場戰(zhàn)爭中,每個人都應該發(fā)揮自己的作用,共同救亡圖存。(In this war, everyone should play their role and fight together to save the nation.)
3. 只有團結一心,才能戰(zhàn)勝外來侵略者,實現(xiàn)救亡圖存的目標。(Only by uniting as one can we defeat the invaders and achieve the goal of saving the nation.)
4. 這部電影講述了一群普通人在戰(zhàn)亂年代奮起抗爭,為了救亡圖存而不懈努力的故事。(This movie tells the story of a group of ordinary people who rose up to fight in the war-torn era and never gave up in their efforts to save the nation.)
5. 在歷史的長河中,有許多人物為了救亡圖存而獻出了自己的生命。(In the course of history, there are many heroes who sacrificed their lives in order to save the nation.)
1. 救國(jiù guó):也指為了挽救而奮斗。
2. 拯救(zhěng jiù):也指解救、挽救。
3. 抗爭(kàng zhēng):也指抵抗、。
4. 奮斗(fèn dòu):也指努力、拼搏。
5. 保全(bǎo quán):也指維護、保護。