更新時間:2024-04-17 22:36作者:小編
?喧囂(xuān xiāo)是一個多義詞,可以指聲音大、雜亂無章的環(huán)境,也可以指忙碌、混亂的場面。通常用來形容嘈雜、喧鬧的氛圍或場景。
xuān xiāo [xu?ɑ?n ?i?ɑ?]
1. The streets were filled with the hustle and bustle of the city, the constant honking of car horns and the chatter of people, creating a chaotic and noisy atmosphere. (街道上充斥著城市的喧鬧和熙攘,不斷鳴笛的汽車喇叭和人們的交談聲營造出一種混亂嘈雜的氛圍。)
2. The children's laughter and screams added to the general cacophony of the playground, making it a place of joy and excitement. (孩子們的笑聲和尖叫聲增添了游樂場總體的嘈雜聲,使其成為一個充滿歡樂和興奮的地方。)
3. The party was in full swing, with music blaring, people dancing and talking loudly, creating a lively and raucous atmosphere. (派對正在如火如荼地進行著,音樂嘈雜、人們大聲跳舞和交談,營造出一種熱鬧喧鬧的氛圍。)
4. The city center is always bustling with activity, with shops, restaurants and street performers all adding to the hustle and bustle of the area. (城市中心總是充滿著活力,商店、餐廳和街頭藝人都為這個地區(qū)增添了繁忙喧囂的氛圍。)
5. The construction site was filled with the clamor of machinery and workers shouting instructions to each other, creating a chaotic and noisy environment. (建筑工地上充斥著機器的轟鳴聲和工人們相互喊叫的指令聲,營造出一種混亂嘈雜的環(huán)境。)
1. 喧鬧(xuān nào):也可以指聲音大、雜亂無章的環(huán)境或場景,與喧囂意思相近。
2. 嘈雜(cáo zá):指聲音刺耳、雜亂無章,常用來形容環(huán)境或場景。
3. 熱鬧(rè nào):指人群熱烈、活躍,也可以形容場面繁華、熱鬧。
4. 忙碌(máng lù):指人或事物忙于各種活動,也可以形容環(huán)境或場景繁忙。
5. 騷動(sāo dòng):指人群的喧嘩和動蕩,也可以形容環(huán)境或場景的混亂。