

更新時間:2024-04-15 12:54作者:小編


How to read: yù

Usage: Used in written or spoken language to express a request, call or summon.

Example sentences:

1. 吁請大家保持安靜,演出即將開始。

Please remain quiet, the performance is about to begin.

2. 他一聲吁喚,所有人都醒了過來。

With one call, everyone woke up.

3. 我們應該吁請采取措施解決這個問題。

We should urge the government to take measures to solve this problem.

4. 聽到他的呼救,我立刻吁了救護車。

Upon hearing his cry for help, I immediately called an ambulance.

5. 這封信是向公眾發(fā)出的吁請,希望能得到幫助。

This letter is a public appeal, hoping to get help.

Synonyms and usage:

1. 呼喚 (hū huàn): To call out; summon

Example: 他大聲呼喚著我的名字。

He called out my name loudly.

2. 請求 (qǐng qiú): Request

Example: 我們向提出了一個請求。

We made a request to the government.

3. 召喚 (zhào huàn): Summon

Example: 那位老師召喚學生到前面來做報告。

The teacher summoned the students to come up front and give a presentation.

Editor's summary:

吁 is a Chinese character that is commonly used in written and spoken language to express a request, call or summon. It can also be used as a verb to mean "to urge" or "to appeal". This character is often seen in formal settings such as letters, speeches, and official documents. Its pronunciation is yù and it can be used interchangeably with synonyms such as 呼喚, 請求, and 召喚.




2024-04-15 12:54



2024-04-15 12:53


?司命(sī mìng)是一個漢語詞匯,由“司”和“命”兩個字組成。其中,“司”指的是掌管、管理的意思,“命”指的是生命、命運的意思。因此,司命可以理解為掌管生命或者管理命運的意

2024-04-15 12:52



2024-04-15 12:51


?號(hào)是漢語詞匯,常見于書籍、文件、等場合。作為一個名詞,號的意思是標記、標志或者編號的意思。,在,每個人都有自己的身份證號碼(ID number),這個號碼可以標記一個人的身份信息

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2024-04-15 12:49
