

更新時間:2024-04-14 03:07作者:小編



To peer into the sky means to observe or understand the mysteries of the universe and all things through certain means or methods. This idiom originated from a sentence by the ancient Chinese philosopher Zhuangzi: "I have pondered all day long, but it is not as good as learning something in a moment; I have looked up, but it is not as good as seeing everything from a high place." It means that human wisdom and ability are limited, and we can only explore the infinite universe through limited means.


yǐ guǎn kuī tiān (yǐ guān kuī tiān)



The phrase "以管窺天" is often used to describe people's exploration and contemplation of the mysteries of the universe and nature, and can also be used as a metaphor for people's insight and profound understanding of things.


1. 他總是以管窺天,試圖解開宇宙的奧秘。

He always peers into the sky, trying to unravel the mysteries of the universe.

2. 這部電影讓我們以管窺天,感受宇宙的無限魅力。

This movie allows us to peer into the sky and feel the infinite charm of the universe.

3. 雖然我們有限的知識無法完全理解宇宙,但我們可以以管窺天,不斷探索和學習。

Although our limited knowledge cannot fully understand the universe, we can peer into the sky and constantly explore and learn.

4. 他一直在努力學習,希望能夠以管窺天,超越自己的局限。

He has been working hard, hoping to peer into the sky and surpass his own limitations.

5. 通過科學技術(shù)的發(fā)展,人類可以以管窺天,了解更多關于宇宙和生命的奧秘。

Through the development of science and technology, humans can peer into the sky and understand more about the mysteries of the universe and life.


1. 窺探星空(kūi tàn xīng kōng):也指對宇宙和天地萬物進行觀察和探索,與“以管窺天”意思相近。

Peer into the starry sky: also refers to observing and exploring the universe and all things, similar to the meaning of "以管窺天".

2. 一窺天機(yī kuī tiān jī):指對事物的深刻洞察和理解,也可以用來形容對宇宙奧秘的探索。

Get a glimpse of the secret of heaven: refers to a deep insight and understanding of things, can also be used to describe the exploration of the mysteries of the universe.

3. 窺視宇宙(kūi shì yǔ zhòu):也指觀察和探索宇宙,與“以管窺天”意思相近。

Gaze at the universe: also refers to observing and exploring the universe, similar to the meaning of "以管窺天".





?以此為戒(idiom)意指從過去的錯誤或經(jīng)驗中吸取教訓,以避免再犯同樣的錯誤??梢岳斫鉃椤耙源藶槭尽?,是一種告誡自己或他人的句。怎么讀(音標)以此為戒:yǐ cǐ wéi jiè,英文發(fā)音:/i

2024-04-14 03:06


?以(yǐ)是一個漢語詞語,表示“用來”,“按照”,“依據(jù)”的意思,常用于句子的開頭或者連接詞語。英文解釋:to; according to; based on怎么讀(音標)yǐ用法1. 作為動詞,表示“用來”、

2024-04-14 03:05



2024-04-14 03:04


?以外的是指除了某一范圍內(nèi)的事物或者人之外,也可以指除了某一種情況或者狀態(tài)之外的其他情況或者狀態(tài)。在英文中,以外的可以用“except for”、“besides”、“other than”等

2024-04-14 03:03


?以儆效尤(yǐ jǐng xiào yóu)是一句成語,意為以前人的錯誤或過失為戒,以免重蹈覆轍。它源自于《論語·衛(wèi)靈公》中的一句話:“君子不器。”后來被孔子解釋為“君子不器于人也”

2024-04-14 03:02


?以偏概全(yǐ piān gài quán)是一個成語,指的是根據(jù)個別的情況或事物,就認為整體都是如此。它常常用來形容人們在思考問題時,只看到局部而忽視整體,從而導致錯誤的判斷或決策。

2024-04-14 03:01
