更新時間:2024-03-29 00:29作者:小編
Satire is a literary work or form of speech that aims to mock or criticize the problems, errors, or absurdities present in society through the use of irony, ridicule, and exaggeration. It is often used to express the author's dissatisfaction and opposition to the current state of society, and has a strong satirical and sarcastic tone.
satire [?s?ta??(r)]
Satire is commonly used as a literary form, such as in novels, plays, poetry, etc. It can also be found in political cartoons, films, and television shows. Besides being a means of expressing discontentment, it can also be used for entertainment purposes for readers or viewers.
1. His latest novel is a brilliant satire on the corrupt political system.(他最新的小說是對的精彩諷刺。)
2. The comedian's stand-up routine was full of witty satire about current events.(這位喜劇演員的單口相聲充滿了對時事的機智諷刺。)
3. The satirical cartoon in the newspaper caused quite a stir among readers.(報紙上那幅諷刺漫畫在讀者中引起了軒然大波。)
4. The play uses satire to expose the hypocrisy of society's elite class.(這部戲劇運用諷刺手法揭露了社會上精英階層的虛偽。)
5. The movie is a clever satire that pokes fun at Hollywood and its obsession with fame and wealth.(這部電影是一部巧妙的諷刺作品,取笑好萊塢及其對名利的迷戀。)
1. Mockery: 模仿、嘲弄,指通過模仿或夸張來嘲笑某人或某事物。
2. Irony: 諷刺、反語,指用言辭表達出與字面意思相反的含義。
3. Sarcasm: 譏諷、挖苦,指用尖銳而冷嘲熱諷的言辭來表達不滿或批評。
4. Parody: 模仿、滑稽地夸張,指通過模仿某人或某事物來制造幽默效果。
5. Lampoon: 諷刺、嘲笑,指用尖銳而幽默的手法來嘲笑某人或某事物。