更新時間:2024-03-23 23:04作者:小編
1. (名詞) 拉米亞,古希臘神話中的女妖精,具有吸血鬼的特征,常被描述為美麗誘人的女性形象。
2. (名詞) 一種傳說中的怪物,具有人類和蛇的特征,據(jù)說擁有超凡的力量和不死之身。
3. (名詞) 指性感、妖艷、迷人的女子。
4. (形容詞) 形容具有魅力、吸引力或妖艷氣質(zhì)的女性。
5. (動詞) 指被拉米亞所迷惑或。
1. The legend tells us that lamia is a beautiful but dangerous creature with the power to seduce men and drink their blood.
2. The seductive lamia lured the young man into her lair, where she revealed her true form and attempted to drain his life force.
3. The actress's portrayal of a seductive lamia in the movie earned her critical acclaim.
4. The young man was lamiaed by the enchanting woman, who turned out to be a vampire in disguise.
5. He was so enchanted by her beauty that he didn't realize he was being lamiaed until it was too late.
1. Vampire (名詞) 吸血鬼,常被用來形容具有吸血能力和不死之身的怪物。
2. Siren (名詞) 塞壬,古希臘神話中具有迷惑船員和引誘男性特點的女性怪物。
3. Enchantress (名詞) 魔女,指具有迷人魅力和魔法能力的女性。
4. Temptress (名詞) 誘惑者,指具有吸引力和誘惑能力的女性。
5. Seductress (名詞) 誘惑者,與temptress意思相近,指具有吸引力和誘惑能力的女性。