更新時間:2024-03-22 02:34作者:小編
hard_error讀音為 /hɑ?d ?r?r/。
- The program encountered a hard error and crashed.
- Hard errors can be caused by various factors.
- The system hard errored due to insufficient memory.
- We need to fix this bug before it hard errors again.
1. The website was down for hours due to a hard error in the server.
2. The programmer spent hours debugging the code to fix the hard error.
3. The hard error caused the program to freeze and the user had to restart their computer.
4. The team encountered a hard error during the testing phase, delaying the launch of the product.
5. Hard errors can be difficult to identify and fix, but they are crucial for ensuring the stability of a program.
- Fatal error:指的是程序運行過程中無法恢復的、致命的錯誤。
- System crash:指的是發(fā)生故障或崩潰。
- Blue screen of death (BSOD):指的是Windows操作發(fā)生嚴重錯誤時顯示的藍屏界面。
hard_error是一種計算機術語,它表示程序運行過程中發(fā)生的嚴重錯誤,可能是由于硬件故障、崩潰或資源耗盡等原因引起的。它在編程領域中被廣泛使用,并可以作為名詞或動詞使用。同義詞包括fatal error、system crash和blue screen of death (BSOD)等。對于程序員來說,修復hard_error是非常關鍵的,它們可以影響程序的穩(wěn)定性和用戶體驗。