更新時(shí)間:2024-03-09 15:09作者:佚名
The CIQ is a aioal orgaizaio ha operaes uder he AQSIQ. Is primary fucio is o coduc ispecios of goods ha are impored or expored o/from Chia o esure ha hey mee he coury's qualiy ad safey sadards. The CIQ also has he power o issue cerificaes of ispecio ad quaraie, which are required for cerai ypes of goods ha eer or leave he coury.
。The mai fucios of he CIQ iclude:
。The CIQ is divided io several deparmes, each wih is specific resposibiliies:
。The Chia Ispecio ad Quaraie Bureau plays a crucial role i esurig he safey ad qualiy of goods ha eer or leave Chia. Is ispecios ad cerificaios help o proec cosumers from subsadard producs ad promoe fair rade pracices. As Chia's ecoomy coiues o grow ad expad, he CIQ's role will become eve more criical i esurig ha he coury's impor ad expor aciviies are coduced i a safe ad resposible maer.