更新時間:2024-03-27 09:21作者:小編
1. 作為名詞,shin指的是人體下肢從膝蓋到腳踝之間的部分。
2. 作為動詞,shin可表示用腳踢或撞擊某物。
1. My shins were sore after the long run yesterday. (昨天長跑后我的小腿很酸。)
2. She kicked him in the shins when he tried to steal her bag. (當他試圖偷她的包時,她踢了他的小腿。)
3. The shin of the table was scratched by the cat's claws. (桌子的小腿被貓爪子劃傷了。)
4. He fell and hit his shin on the edge of the curb, causing a bruise. (他摔倒了,小腿撞到路沿石邊緣,造成了淤青。)
5. The football player wore shin guards to protect his legs during the game. (足球運動員在比賽中穿著護腿板保護腿部。)
1. leg - 指從腰部到腳的一段身體部位,比shin更廣泛。
2. calf - 指小腿的后側,也是人體下肢的一部分。
3. tibia - 指小腿骨,也可以用來指小腿這個區(qū)域。
4. kick - 動詞,表示用腳撞擊或打擊某物。
5. strike - 動詞,表示用力撞擊或打擊某物。