更新時間:2024-03-27 05:27作者:小編
seesaw [?si?s??]
1. 名詞:指一種兒童游戲設施,由一根長木頭橫放在兩個支點上構成,兩端各有一個座位,孩子們可以交替坐在上面用力蹬腿來玩耍。
2. 動詞:指來回擺動或變化。也可用作形容詞,表示“來回擺動的”。
1. The children were playing on the seesaw in the park.
2. The seesaw went up and down as the children took turns pushing each other.
3. The stock market has been seesawing for the past week.
4. Her emotions were seesawing between excitement and anxiety.
5. The team's performance has been seesawing throughout the season.
1. teeter-totter:指蹺蹺板,與seesaw同義。
2. oscillate:指來回擺動或變化,與seesaw作動詞時含義相似。
3. fluctuate:指起伏不定或變化,與seesaw作形容詞時含義相近。
seesaw是一個常見的兒童游戲設施,也可以用作動詞形容事物的起伏變化。在生活中,我們經常會遇到這個詞,因此了解它的含義和用法是很有必要的。除了以上提到的同義詞外,還有一些類似的表達如“go back and forth”、“swing back and forth”等。希望本文能幫助讀者更好地理解和使用這個單詞。